Alberto Vertova
Professore Associato
Settore concorsuale
03/A2 – Modelli e Metodologie per le Scienze Chimiche
Dipartimento di Chimca
via Golgi 19 – 20133 MILANO
Edificio 5; Corpo A – II piano; ufficio 2032
Tel: +39 02-50314232
Fax: +39 02-50314215
Prof. Alberto Vertova – PhD
Alberto Vertova obtained his “cum laude” graduation in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Milan in 1989 with an experimental Thesis on “New ionselective electrodes for water hardness and chloride ion”. During this period he had a Montedison scholarship for the best undergraduate students (Academic Year 1987/1989) in Industrial Chemistry. In 1990 he obtained a PhD scholarship in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Milano and in 1994 received his PhD in Industrial Chemistry defending a Thesis on “Hydrogen and Hydrogen Isotope Evolution reactions on Platinum and Palladium electrodes”. In 2000 he was a visiting scholar at the University of Tokyo. He joined the Group of Prof. Y. Umezawa, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry – Department of Chemistry, working on new chemically modified sensors using the self assembled monolayer (SAM) of thiols. In this field he collaborated also with Prof. Dimitri Khoshtariya (Tbilisi State University – Georgia) for the development of investigation methodologies for the determination of the electron transfer rate as function of the modification of the electrode Surface. This topic has led to the development of new bioamperometric sensors formed by SAM adsorbed on gold surfaces and in this field, in 2007, Alberto Vertova received a grant from Regione Lombardia, INGENIO project, to explore the possibility of industrial application of these investigations. Moreover, Alberto Vertova was invited to participate at COST Group (Green Organic Electrochemistry) a scientific project of the European Community (project D29 – W0006-03, 2003-2007) that allowed a strong scientific collaboration with the research group of prof. Jean-Yves Nedelec (CNRS – Thais – France) in the field of electrochemical remediation.
In the last years Alberto Vertova has focused his interest on different fields of applied electrochemistry: electrocatalysis, photo electrochemistry, electrochemical environmental treatments, new nanostructured materials for energetic and environmental applications, biosensors and for his research in the field of batteries AV obtained two grants from MIUR (Prin 2008: 2008PF9TWZ) and from Cariplo Foundation (2010/0506).
Alberto Vertova cooperate with authoritative Italian and foreign Groups: Christian Amatore (École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France), Allen J. Bard (The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA), Salvatore Daniele (Università di Venezia), Juan Feliu (University of Alicante), Paolo Ghigna (Università di Pavia), Massimo Innocenti (Università di Firenze).
He has authored and coauthored over 70 publications on international, peer reviewed journals
Alberto Vertova is an Associate Professor at the Dipartimento di Chimica of the Università degli Studi di Milano. AV is a member of the Doctoral School Committee for the Doctoral School in Chemistry at Università degli Studi di Milano.
AV obtained his National Scientific Qualification at Full Professor in 2018.