Industry Solutions

Ap.E Laboratory has the expertise and the facilities for customized research and test activities in the wide field of electrochemical science and technology.

We focus on the production/conversion of specialty chemicals, for which reactor design and electrode materials have to be carefully developed and selected.

The main fields of applications cover the R&D and testing on:

  • Electrochemical devices for production or degradation of chemicals: e.g. H2 production in membrane water electrolyzer, treatment of air- and water-born organic compounds, recovery of high added value chemicals and metals
  • Electrode materials and their superficial modifications for electrochemical cells (e.g. metal-air cells) photo-electrochemical icells and electrolyzers. Electrode design range from modified metal supports to Gas Diffusion Electrodes (GDE) and Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEA)

Classic and advanced electrochemical instrumentation is available:

Cyclic Voltammetry, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM), Cavity MicroElectrodes (C_ME), high current and high voltage power suppliers.

We have access to all the facilities of the Department of Chemistry, including SmartMatLab, spectroscopic techniques (e.g. iR, UV, Raman, mass, NMR) chromatographic techniques, SEM and TEM imaging and analysis.

For all the process and products we can add Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), to help companies to use these tools to critically evaluate and develop their innovation strategy (ecodesign).

© Ap.E: Laboratory of Applied Electrochemistry - 2025