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Alessandro Minguzzi

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03/A2 – Modelli e Metodologie per le Scienze Chimiche

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via Golgi 19 – 20133 MILANO

Edificio 5; Corpo A – I piano; ufficio 1 08 O

Tel: +39 02-50314224
Fax: +39 02-50314215
e-mail: alessandro.minguzzi@unimi.it

Prof. Alessandro Minguzzi – PhD

Alessandro Minguzzi, short Curriculum Vitae  

Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Milano (since 2020), where he obtained his PhD in 2007. Obtained abilitation as full professor (CHIM/07). He was recipient of an Oronzio and Niccolò DeNora Fellowship in 2007-08 and spent several periods as visiting scientist such as in the University of Texas at Austin (under the supervision of Prof. Allen J. Bard , the “father of modern electrochemistry”), in the University of Venice (Italy), in the University of Alicante (Spain) and in the CNRS (Institut De Chimie Et Des Materiaux Paris-Est, Thiais, France), the latter being one the main center in organic electrochemistry worldwide. He served as member of the board of the Electrochemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society in 2013-2019 and is now serving as the President of the board of the Italian Chemical Society, Lombardy Section.

Research: mainly focused on the study of electrode and photoelectrode materials in energy conversion and storage and for environmental remediation and sensors also using “unconventional”, innovative techniques such as the scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopies (XAS).

Particularly relevant is the invention and development of the Fixed Energy X-ray Absorption Voltammetry (FEXRAV), a new technique that has been inserted in the 2013 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF Highlights. http://www.esrf.eu/UsersAndScience/Publications/Highlights/2013.

His know-how on operando XAS was at the basis of the first dedicated chapter, recently published on the prestigious “Electroanalytical Chemistry: A series of Advances”.

Moreover, A.M. is one of the pioneers of the preparation and use of the Cavity-Microelectrode (C-ME) and one of the worldwide best-known authors in this field. He was the first to join the capabilities of the C-ME and SECM.

Evaluator: More than 100 certified reviews (incl. Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Energy, Nature Catalysis, Advanced Energy Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Science, ACS Nano, ACS Catalysis, Nanoscale and many others) and evaluator of research projects and of research outputs for the Czech Academy of Science, for the Israel Science Foundation, ACS and others.

Funding: A.M. was the local responsible for a “Futuro in Ricerca 2013” project and is the PI of several projects (9) funded by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility for the allocation of beamtime as well as several funds by Università degli Studi di Milano. >300 kEuro from private companies


Prizes: 1) “FIAMM SpA prize” and 2) “AMEL srl prize”, both issued by the Electrochemical Division of the Italian Chemical Society; 3) 2011 Travel Award by the International Society of Electrochemistry, 4) “Premio Levi 2014”, Italian Chemical Society, as the best under-35 Italian chemist author and 5) Seed4Innovation 2nd edition (University of Milano), for one of the best projects suitable for technology transfer

Seminars and conferences: Co-chair of one national and one international meeting and member of the scientific commetee of more than 10 national and international conferences, 15 invitations as speaker at conferences, seminars and schools.


Publications: A.M. is author or co-author of 80 publications in international journals, 4 book chapters, 2 patents.  h index= 23 (Scopus), Citations: >2000 (Scopus)

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